Hindi is an important subject as it is the national language of our country. Language allows the students to express their views and ideas. Therefore, Hindi is an important subject as students can express their thoughts, creativity, and ideas by writing them in the paper. Students can certainly score more than 90% marks in the class 10th Hindi exam by using the right tips and strategies.
Paper pattern and marks distribution
First of all, it is very important to understand the paper pattern and marks distribution. This will help students to make their strategies for completing the paper on time. The Hindi paper is for 80 marks in final exams and 20 marks are for internal assessment. Hindi paper is divided into two parts Hindi paper A and Hindi paper B. A total of 44 questions are asked in Hindi paper A and paper B
Hindi papers A and B are divided into four parts:
Part A is about reading skills. In the reading section, there are two types of questions. One is an unread passage and the second is an unread verse. It carries 10 marks. Students will get two unseen passages of 5 marks each in papers A and B.
Part B includes grammar. It is the most scoring section of class 10th Hindi paper. Students should understand and learn the Hindi grammar concepts. They should revise the grammar rules properly to score full marks in the grammar section. This section carries 16 marks in each paper A and paper B.
Part C includes questions from Literature. It is an easy section. Students should read all chapters carefully and at two times. It becomes very easy to answer literature questions if they know the story properly. There are four books for class 10th Hindi. The books include Khitij, Kritika (Hindi supplementary), Sparsh, and Sanchayan. Students should solve all the questions given in the textbook. It carries a total of 34 marks in paper A and 28 marks in paper B.
Part D is writing. It is a lengthy section. Students will get two types of questions in this section. Students should try to complete this section first as they have to think and put their ideas for writing an essay and other parts. It carries a total of 20 marks in paper A and 26 marks in paper B.
How to manage time in finishing the paper on time?
Students will get 3 hours for finishing the Hindi paper. Time management is important. Students should divide 3 hours for the different parts appropriately.
They can use half an hour for finishing part A. they should read the passage and prose carefully for answering the questions.
Students can spend 20 minutes finishing section B. it is grammar and therefore easy to finish. Students should not spend much time on this section.
Section C may take time as it includes literature. But, if students know the stories properly, they can quickly finish this section. They can spend 50-60 minutes finishing this section.
Section D is writing and it is the most time-consuming part. Students should keep 45 minutes for doing this section.
After dividing their time in this manner, students can spare 25 minutes for revision. Students can check their spellings and make sure that they have attempted all the questions.
Tips to score more than 90% in class 10th Hindi exam
Students can follow the given tips and strategies for securing more than 90% in class 10th Hindi exam:
For doing part A, students should read the passage carefully. They can read the questions before reading the passage. This will make it easy for them to answer the questions.
Students should try to solve the previous year’s question papers for doing practice. They will get an idea of the questions that come in the exam.
Students should revise all grammar rules properly. they can practice grammar worksheets regularly to learn grammar rules. Practicing Hindi grammar can help students to finish section B quickly. It can also help students to score more than 90 marks in the 10th Hindi exam.
When doing part C, students should read chapters thoroughly. They should give more attention to poems. They should try to understand the meanings. if students do not understand they can ask their teachers. If they need any help they can refer to class 10 Hindi guide pdf which is available online.
When doing section D, students should remember the format of the letter. They should try to write impressive beginning and end of the essay. Students should revise the format of the letter before the exam. They should write the letter and essay in the given word limit. It will save their time. They can divide the essay into three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. They should add titles and subtitles in writing to get good marks.
Presentation of class 10th Hindi paper
Students can get over 90% marks in class 10th Hindi by using the given tips for the presentation of the paper:
- They should highlight the important headings with a dark pen
- They should keep proper spacing in all questions so that teachers can know from where each answer is beginning.
- They can highlight the important words and can underline the main points.
- Students should remember the names of writers and poets because they may be asked in reference to context. They can write the names of all poets and writers in the notebook for a quick revision.
- Students should write the paper in clear handwriting. This can also help students to get good marks as it will give a good impression.
- Students should practice at least 5 unseen passages and poems every day before the exam. This will enhance their knowledge and ability to solve unseen comprehension.
- Students should read articles from magazines and newspapers for improving their writing skills. They can get new ideas by reading articles from magazines and newspapers. They should first think, write down important points on a rough paper, and then expand their thoughts.

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