It’s an important update from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) for investors of PACL Limited. In a major relief to PACL investors, the markets regulator has extended the deadline to October 31 for investors of PACL Ltd, having claims of up to Rs 5,000, to check the status of their application and rectify errors in the form. Earlier, the deadline was July 31.
Now, the last date for checking the status of applications and rectification of errors has been extended to October 31, 2020, Sebi said in a statement.
Issuing a public notice – Facility to view status of deficiency in claim applications and making good those deficiencies for investors/applicants with claims between Rs. 5,000/-and Rs. 7,000/ – Sebi said, “The Justice (Retd.) R.M. Lodha Committee (the “Committee”) had,subsequent to making payment to 570,706 eligible investors of PACL Ltd. having claim amount upto Rs.5000/-, initiated the process of payment to investors having claim amount between Rs. 5,000/-and Rs. 7,000/-during the period March, 2020 to April, 2020. Pursuant to the same, refunds were effected in respect of 2,59,862 eligible applicants.”
“The investors/applicants with claims between Rs. 5,000/-and Rs. 7,000/-are requested to check the status of their claim applications online on rectify the deficiencies, if any.The portal will be operational from August 1, 2020to October 30, 2020,” Sebi concluded.
PACL: All you need to know
PACL, which had raised money from public in the name of agriculture and real estate businesses, was found by Sebi to have collected more than Rs 60,000 crore through illegal collective investment schemes (CIS) over a period of 18 years.
In December 2015, Sebi had ordered attachment of all assets of PACL and its nine promoters and directors for their failure to refund investors’ money.
In an order on August 22, 2014, Sebi had asked PACL, its promoters and directors to refund the money.
The defaulters were directed to wind up the schemes and refund money to investors within three months from the date of the order.

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