Looking to keep active over the weekend but not sure how? Look no further! There are countless ways that you can get out of the house and get your blood pumping. You can have a look through our list and choose which you think is best for you. It’s important to remember that exercise is exercise regardless and you shouldn’t drag yourself down because you aren’t completely capable of what others are. Getting into the habit of a healthy lifestyle is a process, and if you trust the process there are countless physical and mental benefits to enjoy. Without further ado, here are some of the best ways to keep active.
Do some cleaning
This one may come as a surprise to you. When you think about it, you’re really killing two birds with one stone when you clean your home. It gives you a reason to tidy up your environment which can be brilliant for your mood. You could choose to tidy the inside of your home by cleaning your floors or doing a clear out, or you could tidy the outside of your home by power washing your driveway or painting your fence. There are plenty of ways to improve the cleanliness of your home and the best part about it is that it keeps you active! If you like this idea and decide you want to give your home a proper clean, something that we would highly recommend is focusing on your gutters. Making sure your gutters are clean can prevent a whole lot of expensive problems from occurring. Although, it’s probably best to have this part of your cleaning done by professionals considering it can prove pretty dangerous due to height restraints. You can always focus on other areas of your home while this is being done! Click here for gutter cleaning professionals. Considering how productive cleaning can be without a doubt one of the best ways to keep active.
Play football
Whether football is your thing or not, it’s the world’s most popular sport for a reason! Joining a 5 a side football league could be the perfect opportunity for you and your friends to regularly get out of the house and get moving. The best thing about football is that you could actually forget that you are exercising because of the amount of fun you are having. Many people enjoy the competitive aspect of the game. If you aren’t the competitive type don’t worry, you could even invite some friends or family for a kick-about down at your local park!
Go a run
Despite being one of the most basic ways to keep active, going for a run is without a doubt also one of the best ways to keep active! The best thing about this is you literally don’t have to do anything to prepare, all you have to do is stick on an old pair of running shoes and leave your house! You could even set yourself targets, if you don’t often keep on top of your fitness then try to set a realistic one. If you make running a habit, then you will be able to set yourself more ambitious goals. When you see your progress, you’ll be proud of yourself and motivated to continue improving. If the weather is bad, you could even run on a treadmill! If you don’t fancy anything else going on a run is probably one of the best ways to keep active considering it’s so simple.
Do some hill walking
There are countless reasons why people love hill walking so much, it’s just brilliant. Getting out of your comfort zone and setting out to make it all the way to the top can make you feel so alive. The fresh air and the beautiful scenery make for very enjoyable experiences which make hill walking unquestionably one of the best ways to keep active. You can stop for short breaks and choose which hill you want to walk depending on your experience and fitness. Just make sure to bring your lunch with you so that you can eat it at the top! If you have a pet dog, then this could even be a nice opportunity to take them with you! There are plenty of places to choose from depending on your area and experience. Hillwalking is a brilliant way to spend your weekend, although we must warn that it’s probably something that you’ll need to dedicate a full day to.
Go swimming
Going swimming is a fantastic way to build muscle strength if that’s something you want to focus on, it’s a well-known fact that nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming which makes it a brilliant activity. Why not head down to your local swimming centre and see how many laps you can do without stopping? This can be a very refreshing activity that could be perfect for getting you ready for the rest of the day!

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